5 Best Harry Potter Side Character

5 Best Harry Potter Side Character

There is never a bad time or reason to revisit Harry Potter. And as such, I figured I would share my favorite side characters from the Harry Potter series. Now, who qualifies as a side character is up for debate, but for me, it’s anyone who isn’t one of the main three characters, Dumbledore, Snape, or Voldemort. And so here are, in no particular order, who I think are the 5 best side characters in Harry Potter.

Neville Longbottom
I will never apologize for my deep love of this character. He is brave throughout the series, from standing up to his few friends in Book 1 to running the resistance at Hogwarts in Book 7. He’s brilliant at Herbology, true of heart, and an amazing friend to people who don’t always quite appreciate him. Neville Longbottom for the win.

Minerva McGonagall
If you need me to explain why she’s amazing, then you need to reread the books or rewatch the movies, or both. Stern but powerful and fair, she is hardcore to the bone. And not above ignoring the rules when necessary (*cough* making Harry seeker *cough*) She is the most powerful woman in the series, hands down.

Kingsley Shacklebolt
When Book 7 came out, I’d had a terrible run of my favorite side characters dying in fantasy novels I’d read. As a result, I was convinced Kingsley would die simply because I liked him so much. Besides being the best Auror of the series, he’s kind and has a sense of humor. Oh, and he was the only one both trusted and respected enough to piece the wizarding world back together after Voldemort died, despite having been on the run for a year at that point.

Fred and George Weasley
It’s hard to separate these two, even mentally, despite Book 7 (I’m still sad about that). But they two are good friends to Harry - often better friends than most others, including Ron. They give him advice and aid over the years, not to mention emotional support, which he desperately needed throughout the series. Also, they are two of the most brilliant wizards in the entire series. Jokes aside, their work is incredible and complex and far more advanced than we see from nearly everyone who isn’t a teacher or Hermione.

Luna Lovegood
My fellow Ravenclaw was one of the best additions to the series. Luna is the much needed out-of-the box person that the series lacked before her introduction. She is incredibly kind and forgiving throughout the books - despite the fact that most of her classmates are cruel to her, even Ginny who called her “Looney” in the beginning. Also, she reminds the readers that wit and wisdom involve so many more things than being good at school and exemplifies the weird factor of the house.

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