Musical Explorations as 2020 Winds Down

Musical Explorations as 2020 Winds Down

2020 is almost over, thank goodness. But my resolution to explore and learn new music this year still continues even as the year comes to an end. This time around is mostly songs I ran across due to my wider overall musical palette, and YouTube’s algorithms. I also got recommendations from friends, both ones whose music tastes I know and those that I don’t really. It’s a bit of a hodge-podge really, particularly in terms of musical genres, but that’s part of what makes this interesting.

Zombie by Day6

Zombie is one of those songs that as soon as I first heard it hit me deep inside. Rock music like this has resonated with me for many years, a driving beat but with a contemplative undertone. The music isn’t angsty per se, but it and the lyrics resonate with, for me at least, the part of me that struggles with being a person in the world. When I first heard it, I immediately wished it had come out a few years ago when I was having a particularly rough go of it. It’s a fantastic song and got me into Day6, which is one of the much better-known Korean rock bands out there right now. I stan this group now, and the entire EP this song is on is great. They released this song in English as well, and you can listen to that version here.

Chances by Backstreet Boys

Did you know that the Backstreet Boys came out with a new album in 2018? I sure as hell didn’t. But in a boy band nostalgia kick on YouTube, and the singles from their new album came up. This song was by far and away my favorite of the songs I heard from that album. Those men can still legit sing! I particularly love when AJ comes in just after the 1-minute mark. Those are some serious power vocals. Chances is really just a wonderful song, with just the right mix of pathos and sweetness to make me extremely happy.

Give Me More by VAV feat. De La Ghetto and Play ‘N Skillz

The first time I heard this song, I was extremely confused – it had a Latin beat and while there was English and I recognized some Spanish in there, it was definitely not in either of those languages. I had to look up the song and VAV to learn that they were a Korean boy band. Which makes this the most global-fusion song ever, with a Korean group working with American reggaeton musicians to create a track based on Latin beats with lyrics in three languages. And the thing is it works! It’s a super fun upbeat song that makes you want to dance around your apartment and enjoy life. I always groove when I listen to this song, and I guarantee you will too.

My Silver Lining by First Aid Kit

When I realized I only had male artists for this post, I asked one of my close friends if she had any suggestions of female artists. She gave me 8 artists and will over a dozen songs, but out of my favorites, this song is what hit the most at the end of the day. I’m already a sucker for strings in pop music, and this song is no exception. You have soaring strings from the very start, with a just a slight country twang that makes me think the word “fiddles” instead of strings. The song is slow but pushes forward, in a way that matches its lyrics about moving forward with life perfectly. Finally, the song’s repeated line, in verses and at the song’s outro, is the phrase “I try to keep on keeping on.” And I think that is literally all that all of us have been doing since March. We all just try to keep on keeping on.

AM 4:44 by Bang Yongguk

From the first notes, I just sink into this song by the Korean rapper Bang Yongguk. This is technically a rap song, but it’s a very low key rap that sounds to me almost more like spoken word than a rap song. Also, rather than relying on a synthetic beat, Yongguk raps over a piano and a drum set giving it an organic and old-fashioned sound. It’s the sonic equivalent of sinking into a bath after a bad day. His lyrics are about his struggles with the hatred he’s gotten from the public, and what, from my perspective at least, sounds like depression. When I’m in the mood I can just listen to this song on repeat and never get bored of it.

Bonus Throwback – The Suffering by Coheed and Cambria

I had entirely forgotten this song existed until I heard it playing at a bar a month or so ago, and as soon as I heard it I texted my sister, who introduced me to both this song and this group. Coheed and Cambria were a mid-aughts emo rock group. I honestly don’t remember most of their music and don’t want to try to piece together my hazy recollections of listening to their music from 15 years ago. But this is a fun, solid mid-aughts rock song and somehow after all these years I still know the chorus. I’m glad it reemerged in my life, as a fun musical snapshot if nothing else.

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