The Happy Corners of the Internet and Pop Culture
The world can feel like a dark and terrible place sometimes. Politics, trolls on the internet, global warming, and just all the adulting that happens in life. But while it’s not just easy but seemingly inevitable to fall down into the pit, particularly on the internet, it’s important to remember that yes, we can have nice things. There are positive parts of the internet and pop culture and they are good things to seek out and embrace. Funny cat videos are the internet’s counterbalance the trolls after all. So here are some positive areas of the internet and the media in general for you to enjoy when you just can’t even anymore.
AO3 (aka Archive of Our Own)
Even if you aren’t into fan fiction, the existence of this website and what it does in the nerdy/fandom internet is truly positive and makes the world better. It’s entirely fan run, funded, and controlled fan fiction site. No corporations allowed. They seek donations from people and always exceed their fundraising goals. The website even won a Hugo (Hugos are the Oscars of sci-if/fantasy) this year for “Best Related Work” There is something for everyone on the site, and the extremely helpful and extremely extensive tagging system means you can find precisely what that is, and block out anything you aren’t interested in/don’t want to see.
Cute Animals on Instagram
This seems like a given but it really does make the world (or at least my world) a little better. They are cute animals! Being adorable or funny or both! They are just a little extra moment of happy in a given day. World Goats in particular always makes me happy. My aunt sends me Instagram posts from there (and of other animals, like koalas) and they invariably make my day better. And if you’re not into Instagram (or don’t have someone texting you cute animals) there are also YouTube videos of cute animals.
Head-banging cockatoos make the world a happier place
Rick Steves Travel Videos
I love the Rick Steves travel show, because that’s all it is, a travel show. It’s not gimmicky, it’s not all about food, or being weird or political. It’s just “here’s a cool place in Europe, maybe famous, maybe not. Let me tell you the highlights.” And from a person who makes dad jokes. All the episodes are pretty short, and they are all on YouTube and thus free. No subscriptions required. I love watching these when I’m cooking, but also if I just want to chill and watch some stuff about travel. The gimmick shows drive me nuts much of the time. This show like the travel show equivalent of old jeans and a sweatshirt - comfy, relaxing and enjoyable.
Positive News Stories
The news is a particularly depressing/anger-inducing place in the internet, which is why it’s so helpful to look for good news stories. The Apple news app has a small section of “this week’s good news” on the weekends, and you can customize your news feed in Windows news app to prioritize good news stories. There is also an entire website devoted to reporting positive news, the Good News Network. Positivity does exist in the news and good things can and do happen.
Romance Novels
Romance novels can be very heartwarming and comforting. I tend to read a fairly specific subsection of them, contemporary settings where the main characters go through real life problems - divorce/heartbreak, racism, losing a parent, loneliness, feeling they are behind in life - but even though it’s difficult for the protagonist, it’s going to ultimately be ok. They get through it and come out the other side a stronger, more centered and content version of themselves AND get an awesome partner in the process. The partner is an often necessary or important but never sufficient cause for character growth. Which is just so positive in my opinion. And honestly, sometime we all just need the comfort of a guaranteed Happily Ever After in a story.
Bonus Positivity: Petting Dogs
This isn’t media, but if you like dogs, I highly recommend petting dogs and especially puppies when you can. People walk dogs, or have them on outside patios in good weather so you don’t need to go out of your way necessarily to meet and pet a friendly dog. I can honestly say that petting a friendly dog invariably makes my day at least a little better.