A Taxonomy of Movies

A Taxonomy of Movies

We all know the different genres of movies, and the standard types: blockbuster, art house, romcom, etc. But just as important than the type of movie (or TV show really) is what is the best context to watch them in. Obviously, there is overlap between these categories, and everyone has their own personal tastes. But the general structure is useful nonetheless.

Opening Weekend Movies

Pretty self-explanatory. Many of these are blockbusters, but more importantly, these are the movies that everyone on the internet, podcasts, and in your life will be talking about. You have to see it on opening weekend or everything will accidentally be spoiled by the internet and pop-culture commentators like myself. In this category are movies like, most Marvel movies or Star Wars, or TV shows like Stranger Things. You’ve got to jump on them or accept being spoiled. There isn’t a middle path.

See-in-the-Theaters Movies

These are movies that you want to see in the theaters, because they are good or fun or well-regarded, but you don’t have to see them as soon as humanly possible, largely because there isn’t anything to be “spoiled” per se, or because you want to wait til the critics have settled on it. This category includes many historical dramas (we all know how WWII turned out), Pixar/Disney films, and musicals. You want to see it in theaters, but really, anytime works. There is no pressure.


These are movies that you watch at home but pay a great deal of attention to as you watch. When you are watching the movie, you are watching the movie. These are movies you probably saw in theaters and still enjoy later or are great classic movies. For me, some examples are the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and Casablanca.

Airplane Movies

Airplanes are one of those things I both love and hate. I love to travel, and it only taking five hours to cross the country to visit my family is fantastic. However, you’re also jammed into a small, uncomfortable seat for a several hours or more, depending on where you’re going. As such, plane movies are entertaining and engaging enough that you can ignore being on a plane, without taking too much mental energy. Most action movies fit in this category, although it will vary by taste. Personally, I watched “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” on my last flight and thought it was a great plane movie.

Sunday Afternoon Movies

Also known as boredom movies or “whatever’s on TV” movies. These are movies you watch when there is nothing better to do. Classics you’ve watched a bunch of times, romcoms, and comedies are prime examples. You can either enjoy them or half-watch while you do something else, like folding laundry or making dinner. They can be great movies you’ve seen too many times, or mediocre movies that are just kind of there.                                                        

Netflix and Chill Movies

Not that meaning of Netflix and chill. By this I mean movies you watch while you hang out with someone else, either a significant other or with friends. It’s an enjoyable film that doesn’t require rapt attention but is a good time. To me, the perfect example is a girls’ night in watching one of the Magic Mike movies. Your girls, some wine, and a fun movie. This category can also include hate-watching something, and “so bad they are good” movies.


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